The plot is about the relationship between a grandfather and his grandson in a gypsy camp. Grandpa wanted to make fun of his Grandson, but not this time: the young one will also play a joke on his Grandpa.
The plot is about the relationship between a grandfather and his grandson in a gypsy camp. Grandpa wanted to make fun of his Grandson, but not this time: the young one will also play a joke on his Grandpa.
Release date: 1th April 2009.
Running time: 1 min 47 sec
Technology: 3D
Directed and produced by – Dmitri Voloshin
Production Manager – Serghey Kirillov
Lead Artist – Serdar Djumaev
Story – Serghey Uzun, Dmitri Voloshin, Serdar Djumaev
Animation – Andrey Orehov, Valentin Naku
Digital Paint – Vasily Pelin, Serdar Djumaev
Effects & Simulation – Genady Dokien
Modeling – Evgeny Mihay, Andrian Tihomirov, Tatiana Makarchuk
Rigging – Andrey Orehov, Valentin Naku
Character Supervisor – Serdar Djumaev
Shading & Lighting – Serghey Kirillov
Background Painter – Vasily Pelin
Sound Design – Ivan Slivka
Edited by – Denis Kiriliuk
Layout & Storyboard – Serdar Djumaev
Post Production – Serghey Kirillov
Software Support – Roman Shtirbu
BDD – Alexey Varpachovsky